Петър обнови решението на 22.12.2013 15:15 (преди около 11 години)
+module Graphics
+ module Renderers
+ class Ascii
+ end
+ class Html
+ end
+ end
+ class Point
+ def initialize(x, y)
+ @x = x
+ @y = y
+ end
+ def x
+ @x
+ end
+ def y
+ @y
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ return true if other.x == @x and other.y == @y
+ false
+ end
+ alias_method :eql?, :==
+ def distance(other)
+ Math.sqrt((@x-other.x)*(@x-other.x) + (@y-other.y)*(@y-other.y))
+ end
+ end
+ class Line
+ def initialize(from, to)
+ set_from from, to
+ set_to from, to
+ end
+ def set_from(from, to)
+ @from = Point.new(from.x,[from.y,to.y].min) if from.x == to.x
+ @from = from if from.x < to.x
+ @from = to if from.x > to.x
+ end
+ def set_to(from, to)
+ @to = Point.new(from.x,[from.y,to.y].max) if from.x == to.x
+ @to = from if from.x > to.x
+ @to = to if from.x < to.x
+ end
+ def from
+ @from
+ end
+ def to
+ @to
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ return true if other.from == @from and other.to == @to
+ false
+ end
+ alias_method :eql?, :==
+ private :set_from, :set_to
+ end
+ class Rectangle
+ def initialize(first, second)
+ set_left first, second
+ set_right first, second
+ set_vertices
+ end
+ def set_left(first, second)
+ @left = Point.new(first.x,[first.y,second.y].min) if first.x == second.x
+ @left = first if first.x < second.x
+ @left = second if first.x > second.x
+ end
+ def set_right(first, second)
+ @right = Point.new(first.x,[first.y,second.y].max) if first.x == second.x
+ @right = first if first.x > second.x
+ @right = second if first.x < second.x
+ end
+ def set_vertices
+ @top_left = Point.new([@left.x,@right.x].min,[@left.y,@right.y].min)
+ @top_right = Point.new([@left.x,@right.x].max,[@left.y,@right.y].min)
+ @bottom_left = Point.new([@left.x,@right.x].min,[@left.y,@right.y].max)
+ @bottom_right = Point.new([@left.x,@right.x].max,[@left.y,@right.y].max)
+ end
+ def top_left
+ @top_left
+ end
+ def top_right
+ @top_right
+ end
+ def bottom_left
+ @bottom_left
+ end
+ def bottom_right
+ @bottom_right
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ return true if other.top_left == @top_left and other.bottom_right == @bottom_right
+ false
+ end
+ alias_method :eql?, :==
+ private :set_left, :set_right, :set_vertices
+ end
+ class Canvas
+ ASCII_CODE = {0 => '-', 1 => '@'}
+ HTML_CODE = {0 => '<i></i>', 1 => '<b></b>'}
+ HTML_BEGIN = ' <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <title>Rendered Canvas</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ .canvas {
+ font-size: 1px;
+ line-height: 1px;
+ }
+ .canvas * {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ }
+ .canvas i {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ }
+ .canvas b {
+ background-color: #333;
+ }
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div class="canvas">'
+ HTML_END = ' </div>
+ </body>
+ </html>'
+ def initialize(width, height)
+ @width = width
+ @height = height
+ @pixels = Array.new(width*height, 0)
+ end
+ def width
+ @width
+ end
+ def height
+ @height
+ end
+ def set_pixel(x, y)
+ @pixels[x + @width*y] = 1
+ end
+ def pixel_at?(x, y)
+ @pixels[x + @width*y] == 1
+ end
+ def draw(figure)
+ set_pixel(figure.x,figure.y) if figure.class == Point
+ draw_line(figure.from,figure.to) if figure.class == Line
+ draw_rectangle(figure) if figure.class == Rectangle
+ end
+ def draw_line(from, to)
+ set_pixel(from.x, from.y)
+ set_pixel(to.x,to.y)
+ draw_sub_line(from, to)
+ end
+ def draw_sub_line(from, to)
+ return if from.distance(to) <= 1.5
+ return if from == to
+ mid_point = Point.new((from.x + to.x)/2, (from.y+to.y)/2)
+ set_pixel(mid_point.x, mid_point.y)
+ if not from == mid_point then draw_sub_line(from, mid_point) end
+ if not to == mid_point then draw_sub_line(mid_point, to) end
+ end
+ def draw_rectangle(rectangle)
+ draw_line(rectangle.top_left, rectangle.top_right)
+ draw_line(rectangle.top_right, rectangle.bottom_right)
+ draw_line(rectangle.bottom_right, rectangle.bottom_left)
+ draw_line(rectangle.bottom_left, rectangle.top_left)
+ end
+ def render_as(render_type)
+ return render_ascii if render_type == Renderers::Ascii
+ return render_html if render_type == Renderers::Html
+ end
+ def render_ascii
+ pixels_ascii = @pixels.map{ |x| ASCII_CODE[x]}.reduce(:+)
+ pixels_ascii.scan(/.{#{@width}}|.+/).join("\n")[0..-1]
+ end
+ def render_html
+ html_line_length = @width * HTML_SYMBOL_LENGTH
+ pixels_html = @pixels.map{ |x| HTML_CODE[x]}.reduce(:+)
+ pixels_html = pixels_html.scan(/.{#{html_line_length}}|.+/).join("<br>")[0..-1]
+ HTML_BEGIN + pixels_html + HTML_END
+ end
+ private :draw_line, :draw_rectangle, :draw_sub_line, :render_html, :render_ascii
+ end