Венцислав обнови решението на 15.10.2013 15:38 (преди над 11 години)
+class Integer
+ def prime?
+ 2.upto(pred).all? { |i| remainder(i).nonzero? } and self > 0
+ end
+class Integer
+ def prime_factors
+ self2 = self.abs
+ factors = []
+ while self2 != 1
+ factors << (2..self2).detect { |i| i.prime? and self2 % i == 0 }
+ self2 = self2 / factors.last
+ end
+ factors
+ end
+class Integer
+ def harmonic
+ sum = Rational(0)
+ (1..self).each { |i| sum = sum + Rational(1, i) }
+ sum
+ end
+class Integer
+ def digits
+ array_for_digits = []
+ self2 = self.abs
+ while self2 != 0
+ array_for_digits << self2 % 10
+ self2 = self2 / 10
+ end
+ array_for_digits.reverse
+ end
+class Array
+ def average
+ sum = Float(0)
+ self.each { |i| sum = sum + i }
+ return sum / self.length
+ end
+class Array
+ def drop_every(n)
+ arraycopy = self
+ k = n
+ while n <= arraycopy.length
+ arraycopy.delete_at(n-1)
+ n = n + k - 1
+ end
+ arraycopy
+ end
+class Array
+ def frequencies
+ ar = self.uniq
+ hash = {}
+ (0..(ar.length - 1)).each do |i|
+ hash = hash.merge({ar[i] => self.count(ar[i])})
+ end
+ hash
+ end
+class Array
+ def combine_with(arr)
+ new_array = []
+ i = 0
+ while ( self[i] or arr[i] )
+ new_array << self[i] << arr[i]
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ new_array.compact
+ end